Bookhams Residents' Association

Working for Bookham since 1926

Your Residents' Association

The Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA) is a voluntary membership organisation that is open to all residents and is independent of all political parties. 

The purpose of the BRA is to provide a consultative link between residents with councillors, public authorities and utility services.

The BRA also co-ordinates voluntary services such as  litter picking, Tree Wardens, High Street Christmas lights and hanging baskets. 

If you would like to join the team and help to keep Bookham a village for all to enjoy please get in touch.

Note: The BRA is not directly involved with the cultural and entertainment life of the village. These are provided by our colleagues at the Bookham Community Association at the Old Barn Hall.

More about the BRA...

Latest BRA and community news

Preston Farm planning application

Site officially known as: Land north of Lower Road and west of Little Bookham Street.

9th May 2024

The representation stage of this planning application has now closed. MVDC have advised that the Applicant (Thakenham Homes) has submitted additional information.

The BRA Planning Team has examined this additional information in close detail and has found nothing that has led us to amend the views and statements set out in our initial Letter of Representation dated 20th March 2024, where we strongly objected to the proposed development. 

The BRA Planning team have yet again produced a robust, detailed and validated response which you can view here: 

Preston Farm is neither required to meet housing targets under ED71A nor is wanted by the residents of Bookham.

Over 200 residents have submitted Letters of Representation to MVDC with top themes being:

  • Traffic

  • Removal of Preston Farm from the Green Belt

  • Flooding and surface water

  • Over-development of housing along the Lower Road

  • Lack of adequate infrastructure such as doctors, dentists, social services.

Main Modifications to the Draft Local Plan

On 25th January of this year, the District Council voted at a Special General Meeting to unpause the Local Plan.  The matter is in the hands of the Governments Planning Inspector who is reviewing the draft, to assess its soundness and to take into account the main modifications to the draft plan that had arisen. Under the planning guidelines there was an opportunity for the BRA Planning Committee to make representations on the proposed modifications.

We submitted this last month focussing primarily on the following matters that were linked to the Modifications:-

  • Housing Delivery – We believe that the housing target up to 2039 can and should be achieved through developing brownfield sites and continuing with infill at the current rate without developing Preston Farm. 

  • Environment – We highlighted the need to maintain local wildlife and ensure that chalk streams in this area are preserved and protected.

  • Flooding. We emphasised concerns about any developments that would increase flooding risk, especially in light of recent weather.

  • Sewerage and the need to upgrade it in light of our concerns about Thames Water, who maintain it.

  • Traffic – we expressed our concerns over assessing the impact of developments on traffic.

New Bookham Youth & Community Centre: Will it be finally built?

May 10th 2024

Residents across the Bookhams have been asking the Bookham Youth & Community Association (BYCA) and Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA) if the planned new Youth and Community Centre is ever going to be built?

A very reasonable question considering it is:

  • 12 years since Surrey County Council (SCC) agreed to build a new Bookham Youth Centre

  • four years since the old Centre closed;

  • over 1,000 days since planning permission was originally granted on 12th May 2021.

We have finally received assurances that the project to build the new Centre is ‘on the move’.  Both SCC and Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) have confirmed their full support to seeing the new Centre built.  This communication is to share this positive news with residents.

Days since planning permission was granted:

Days since planning permission was originally granted on 21st May 2021

AGM - Thursday 18th July

Welcome by the Chairman Apologies for absence Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th August 2023 3.1 Accuracy 3.2 Matters arising Chairman's Report for 2023 Financial report for 2023 AppoiRead more

MVDC Bookham High Street Master Plan

The BRA’s aspiration for the retail/business areas in and around central Bookham This ‘Think Piece’ is in response to Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) project to create a “MasterRead more

June 2024 Newsletter

The BRA June 2024 Newsletter has been published and the print version will be distributed to all households in Bookham by our team of Road Stewards. In this edition our lead articles are the PrestonRead more

Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)

Bookham is classified as being in the Established Area for OPM. As such the Forestry Commission does not offer a free tree spraying service. However if residents want to have their Oak trees sprayedRead more

BRA Tree wardens plant five "birthday" heritage apple trees at Lower Shott

Tree Warden Frances Fancourt reports: The Bookham Tree Wardens have planted five heritage apple trees at Lower Shott. The trees were donated by Gillian Bailey which Gillian has funded in honour ofRead more

Hedgerow planting at the Tithe Barn: Tree Warden news

BRA Tree Warden, Frances Fancourt reports On Sunday 4th February the 1st Fetcham Scouts and the 1st Fetcham Cubs joined the Bookham Tree Wardens to plant a hedgerow at the Tithe Barn in LittleRead more

Free street trees on your verge!

BRA Environment and Tree Warden - Frances Fancourt reports: It is now possible to apply for a street tree to be planted on your verge for FREE. As Surrey County Council (SCC) want to plant 1.2Read more

Village sign storm damage repaired

Following storm damage to the the village sign in January the BRA team, lead by Geoff Tranter, have leapt in to action with local contractors and the broken post supporting the village sign has beenRead more

Is Bookham a safe place to live? Inspector James Green of Surrey Police provides confirmation that it is.

Following on from some disturbing serious offences in the village recently, the BRA was approached by Surrey Police asking for assistance in communicating with the local community to allay concernsRead more

Fetcham & Bookham Repair Cafe

St Mary’s Church Fetcham, and Bookham and Horsley Rotary Club are working together to create and support a monthly FaB (Fetcham and Bookham) Repair Cafe. This will take place in St Mary's church haRead more

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle around Bookham service updated

The search tool developed by the BRA on behalf of Plastic Free Bookham  allowing you to find what and where you can can recycle has been updated with the latest recycling guidelines including DIYRead more

After 20 years Peter Seaward retires as BRA Chairman

I’ve known Peter since 2016.  I very quickly saw what an untiring force for good Peter is across the Bookhams; and how respected he and the BRA was, and still is, by MVDC and SCC officers andRead more

Latest Local Authority news

Surrey Highways - road works in Mole Valley and Guildford (updated weekly)

Click on the images below for roadworks in the Mole Valley area and Guildford areas. On the SCC page scroll down for completed and utility works.Read more

Planning applications in Bookham: (rolling eight weeks)

Each week MVDC publish planning applications that have been registered across the district. Click on the button below to  see an extract of the applications made in Bookham. You may comment onRead more

Latest news for Bookham Businesses

Keep up to date with the business community via the MVDC Spotlight fortnightly newsletter. Register hereRead more

SCC Grass Cutting Schedule

Surrey County Council (SCC) has recently introduced an interactive map which shows the grass verge cutting schedule across the county. If you have a verge outside your residence you may zoom in onRead more

Free street trees on your verge!

BRA Environment and Tree Warden - Frances Fancourt reports: It is now possible to apply for a street tree to be planted on your verge for FREE. As Surrey County Council (SCC) want to plant 1.2Read more

MVDC Councillors vote to un-pause Local Plan Examination

On 25 January 2024 Mole Valley Council voted to un-pause its Local Plan and inform the HM Government Inspector to continue with the draft Local Plan examination which will include all Green Belt siteRead more

Is this our last chance to save our Green Belt? MVDC Local Plan - Extraordinary Council Meeting 25th January, 7.00pm.

You may recall that in December 2022 MVDC requested examination of the Local Plan by the Inspector to be paused due to changes in the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). AfterRead more

Bookham's Green Belt and the MVDC Local Plan

Extraordinary MVDC Councillors meeting 25th Jan at 7.00 pm. View online On 5th January 2024 the Leader of MVDC, Cllr Stephen Cooksey, issued a statement about the future of the Local Plan (statementRead more

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or pothole to? BRA Launches a Quick Link Service Request Portal

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or overhanging branches or a pothole to? Our Councils have multiple responsibilities and it is often a challenge to find out which Council and CouncilRead more

Mole Valley District Council Urges Action in Response to Bank Closures

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) asked residents and businesses to share their views regarding bank closures in the district, via a survey. The survey received a total of 2,148 responses and theRead more

MVDC Cabinet agree in principle to "Bump Park" funding for Lower Road Rec

Les Huett - BRA Communications A presentation was given to Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) by the BRA team of Peter Seaward and Richard Moyse in May 2023 requesting funding for a new Bookham BumpRead more

MVDC Newsletter

Latest News from Mole Valley District Council. (external link)Read more

Community Events Calendar

To find an event, click on a button and select a filter. 

Do you have an event?

If you have a Bookham community event you wish to publicise, please complete the form below and we'll add it to the online Events Calendar. We cannot guarantee we can publicise all events or any last minute changes but we'll do our best!

If this is an event that you would like to post on our BRA Village Noticeboards, click here for more details  

Quick Link Service Requests and Reporting

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or overhanging branches or a pothole to or seen something suspicious on your video door bell?

Our Councils have multiple responsibilities and it is often a challenge to find out which Council and Council department or organisation is responsible for what. To help residents make a service request or report, just on click on the relevant button below which will take you directly to the relevant council department and reporting forms. Also included in the portal are the National Trust, Surrey Police Suspicious Activity, Surrey Wildlife Trust and emergency flooding.

Emergency Flooding - who to contact:

  • River flooding: Environment Agency (24 hour Floodline): 0345 988 118 

  • Road Flooding: Surrey CC Highways: 0300 200 1003

  • Sewer Flooding. Thames Water: 0800 316 9800

  • Assistance to buy essential items (criteria apply): Citizen’s Advice Bureau: 08444 111 444

Power Cuts During Storms

Do you, or someone you know, need extra support during power cuts?

The power company has confirmed that they will provide free welfare services to customers who need extra support. To register for Priority Services support please call 105 or  0800 028 4581.


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