
Surrey Police - HMIC Inspection Report

Message from Chief Constable Gavin Stephens QPM

In May when I wrote to you with my quarterly Commitments update, I mentioned that we had recently been inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS, or HMIC for short).

The HMIC regularly inspects every Police Force in the UK, acting as an independent body to ensure that we are efficient and effective in the service we offer to our communities. These inspections are known as Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) assessments and today, following our inspection in January, our PEEL assessment report has been published. I am writing today to share our results.

The assessments look at several thematic areas of activity across the Force. These are:

  • Engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect
  • Providing a service to victims of crime
  • Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Responding to the public
  • Investigating crime
  • Protecting vulnerable people
  • Managing offenders and suspects
  • Building, supporting and protecting the workforce
  • Strategic planning, organisational management and value for money

I’m delighted to be able to share that we were graded as “outstanding” at Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. Our teams across the Force have been working incredibly hard, adopting a problem-solving approach to crime prevention and this has had a significant impact that has been recognised by HMIC and reflected in its assessment.

The Force was also graded as “good” for Engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect; Investigating crime; and Protecting vulnerable people with the majority of the remaining categories being assessed as adequate.

On a less positive note, we have been assessed as “requires improvement” in our management of offenders and suspects, and I am committed to addressing this, it is integral to the delivery of our own Force Commitments to ensuring that Surrey is, and feels, safe. Activity is already underway to address the recommendations in the report, which relate to the need to proactively monitor sex offenders, ensuring that there is purpose in lines of enquiry, and the prioritisation of safeguarding relating to indecent images of children online.

We have maintained or improved in all other areas, but as ever there is always room for us to do better in Our Force, for Our People and Our Communities. You can read the full report here and I would welcome any suggestions you may have as to where we can improve. I’d also be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Chief Constable Gavin Stephens QPM


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