
Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or pothole to? BRA Launches a Quick Link Service Request Portal

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or overhanging branches or a pothole to? Our Councils have multiple responsibilities and it is often a challenge to find out which Council and Council department is responsible for what. To help residents make a service request the Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA) have set up a Quick Links reporting  and service request portal which take you directly to relevant council department and reporting forms in  one click.

We all know how many potholes appeared in the last few months, but instead of going on to social media and complaining, report it instead. It’s more likely to be fixed and we all benefit!

Also included are National Trust, Surrey Police and emergency Flooding—who to contact and utility providers. Our portal is mobile optimised so it’s easy to report when out and about. Try it now by clicking on the button below or scanning the QR code below on your mobile


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