Message from Simon Edge - BRA Chairman
24th February 2025
As you may know, the Bookham Residents Association (BRA) has provided lots of support and constructive input to Mole Valley District Council (MVDC), and its Consultants, on the development of the Bookham High Street Master Plan (BMP). Originally, the BMP was to be completed by the end of March 2025, but we have now been told that consideration by the Council’s Scrutiny Committee, and then the Cabinet is likely to be delayed until sometime in April.
That delay could be very helpful, providing time for the BMP to have some serious shortcomings repaired. Our greatest concern is about the presentation of results from the online Consultation Survey, and the accuracy with which they represent the extent and depth of support in the community for the various proposed projects in the BMP. We are also concerned over the feasibility of some of the projects. The BRA has consistently said that the BMP should be ambitious for Bookham while recognising that including projects for which funding is not yet available, or a “delivery Partner” says are ‘too difficult’, is legitimate. However, we do not think that Residents will benefit from a BMP that is simply a list of aspirational projects that are highly unlikely to be delivered. We want to see projects that are equitable, beneficial, affordable and deliverable.
Our attempts to resolve issues with Officers have so far proven unsuccessful. So, we have recently provided a detailed report to all members of the Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet, asking them to correct the BMP. We plan to publish our report when the Council publishes its Scrutiny Committee papers, for the benefit of MVDC’s decision making, transparency, and for the public record. Our reporting, in more detail than we have in this update, before then would therefore not be appropriate or constructive to MVDC’s decision making processes.
Our key message at this point is that much more detailed work and further constructive consultation with residents by MVDC is needed to validate any implementation of projects that may be under consideration in the BMP.
Update - 25th October 2024
Following the launch of the MVDC Master Plan on 24th October the MVDC online Consultation Portal is now closed.
To access the consultation portal, please click here or on the image below
If you have difficulty using the on line form click on the button below to print and complete your submission. Your completed form can be submitted at Bookham Library.
MVDC PDF version of Bookham Village Master plan
If you would like to view the MVDC Master Plan in a PDF format which you can view on screen or print, click here or on the image below. (link to MVDC). (42 pages)
BRA Content issued on 2nd October 2024
The content below was issued by the BRA and was our understanding before the publication of the MVDC Bookham Master Plan Consultation on 24th October and is provided for reference.
The Master Plan
MVDC has obtained Government funding to develop two Master Plans, one for Bookham and one for Dorking.
MVDC’s theme for the Bookham Master Plan is about encouraging walking, cycling and improving accessibility for sustainable modes of transport. We have been assured that the Master Plan will relate to and draw on other existing Plans that affect the Bookhams; and that the Master Plan will be looking for improvement opportunities and identify how the “High St” could benefit from “enhancement”.
MVDC has a completion date for the Master Plan of the end of March 2025. To get to that point we understand that the timetable is:
Complete a baseline analysis and report - June 2024
Development of draft master plan - July to September 2024
Public consultation – October 2024
Refine draft master plan – November to December 2024
Finalisation / MVDC adoption January to March 2025
BRA involvement
MVDC has asked the BRA to join a ‘steering group’ of local Councillors for the Master Plan project. We welcome the invitation as a signal of resident’s inclusion by MVDC.
The Master Plan can only be considered valid if it is fully informed by and genuinely responds to input from the local community. This Think Piece is the BRA’s initial contribution to that process.
The Master Plan will affect all users of Bookham’s High St. We therefore welcome comments from residents, and from any clubs, groups, societies and organisations that wish to comment through the BRA, and/or who have not already been contacted by MVDC’s consultants (AR Urbanism).
MVDC’s Local Plan, Bookham’s Neighbourhood Plan, the embryonic Bookham “Master Plan”, and LCWIP (local cycling and walking improvement plan) all need to be fully coordinated
MVDC and Surrey County Council (SCC) need to work collaboratively together to integrate highways and Local/other plan delivery
MVDC and SCC need to work collaboratively together to maximise the community value of their land and property assets – e.g. working together with local GPs to improve/replace existing medical facilities in the Eastwick Park area
MVDC should consider introducing a BID or other Economic Development Hub/support for local businesses in Bookham
MVDC should undertake a comprehensive shopper survey – where do customers come from - local, further afield, and what attracts them to Bookham
MVDC should consider introducing a design code for new buildings, and the maintenance/decoration of buildings in the main business/retail areas
IT Infrastructure
Improve Broadband capacity/speed in the central retail/business areas
MVDC and SCC should explore the opportunities to expand the community services available in the central retail/business area, such as in the Library by creating for example:
a Banking Hub
a Heritage Centre
an IT Hub
Improve linkage between the Lower Shott and the High St – e.g. via an underpass, bridge, or improved crossing facilities at the A246
Improve linkage between the High St and Church Rd
Refurbish the Squareabout – the preferred solution to this four-way give-way junction
Improve the clarity and visibility of road and pedestrian signage – that signage to be of a style that is in keeping with the village
Improve the road, walking and cycling links between the retail/business centre and Polesden Lacey, and Bookham Common, to draw footfall into Bookham
Use coherent street furniture of a style that is in keeping with the village, and clear the clutter
Properly maintain the highways and pavement networks – pot holes, kerbs, dropped kerbs, white and yellow lines
Improve on-street and off-street parking enforcement
Undertake a feasibility study into promoting new and underused routes through the centre
Do not introduce pedestrianisation or one way traffic in the High St – either would be seriously detrimental to the High St (Note. We understand that SCC has recently reported that pedestrianisation and one-way for the High Street are not practical options. Also an experiment for one way was tried in circa the 1980s and confirmed that the result was excess speeding and dangerous driving)
Community (Leisure | Wellbeing | Youth | Environment)
SCC and MVDC to collaborate and deliver the new Youth and Community Centre on the Lower Rd Recreation Ground
SCC and MVDC to collaborate, and engage with local potentially interested parties (e.g. GP practices), over the redevelopment of the former Youth Centre and the former Keswick House Care Home
Develop sports facilities (e.g. Squash / Paddle Courts) e.g. at Lower Rd Recreation Ground, and the Chrystie Recreation Ground
Install outdoor gymnasium equipment to create outdoor adult fitness centres e.g. at Lower Rd Recreation Ground, and Chrystie Recreation Ground
Enable the planned creation of a ‘bump track’ at Lower Rd Recreation Ground
Work with organisations such as The Grange, and Care providers, to promote accessibility to the retail and business centre of Bookham for people with particular mobility and special needs
Develop/promote a heritage hub, and walking trail in and around the retail and business centre
Introduce facilities to encourage leisure use e.g. picnicking on the green by the Lower Shott
Undertake regular tree and shrub maintenance – regularly remove dead/diseased growth and control unsightly basal growth from trees
Improve street cleaning, weed control, and bin emptying
Have your say
The BRA thinks the matters listed in the Think Piece are necessary to support and enhance Bookham’s central retail and business areas so that they remain: a welcoming community, retail and business centre at the heart of the Bookhams.
This Think Piece is being shared with MVDC’s Planners, the Consultants engaged by MVDC to create the Master Plan (AR Urbanism), local MVDC and SCC Councillors; and most importantly with Bookham Residents and Businesses.