AGM - Thursday 18th July

To be held at the Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Great Bookham. Doors open 7.00 pm, meeting starts at 7.30 pm


  1. Welcome by the Chairman

  2. Apologies for absence

  3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th August 2023
    3.1 Accuracy
    3.2 Matters arising

  4. Chairman's Report for 2023

  5. Financial report for 2023

  6. Appointment of Directors
    6.1 To note the resignation of Directors who have resigned or resign by rotation and offer themselves for re-election
    6.2 To note the appointment of Keith Whale to the Board of Directors
    6.3 To appoint new Directors (if any)

  7. Election of Officers of the Company
    7.1 Chairman
    7.2 Election of Vice Chairman
    7.3 Election of Treasurer

  8. Appointment of Independent Examiner for 2024/25

  9. Determination of Membership subscription for 2025/26

  10. Any Other Business

  11. Guest Speaker.

Our guest speaker this year from Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) is Seonaid Webb, Executive Head of Service (Transformation and Partnerships).

Seonaid's (pronounced Sho-na) presentation will be: "MVDC - making the best use of our resources" which will include the Council's digital transformation and the changes the Council is going through and the vital message of "not leaving anyone behind".

Our friends from Bookham Seniors Computer Club will also be in attendance to help with  your computer, tablet and smartphone questions for the interactive part of Seonaid's presentation.

If you would like to nominate a Director for the Board of Directors or you would like to present Motions for Discussion, please advise Les Huett (Company Secretary) no later than 15th July 2023 in writing to the Registered Office address or by email to: company.secretary@bookhamresidents.org.uk 


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