Message from Cllr Stephen Cooksey - Leader of MVDC
“As part of Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) comprehensive internal three-year Transformation Programme, I am delighted we have successfully launched My Mole Valley; an online portal enhancing digital options for our residents and businesses to enable easy self-service via our website. We appreciate of course that not everyone is digitally savvy, so My Mole Valley goes hand in hand with improvements to our Customer Services Unit. We recently ran a very well received Digital Inclusivity Training session for residents who had expressed an interest in improving their digital skills and be better able to navigate around our website. Fronted by work experience students and MVDC staff, the participants were very grateful.
“A clear account of how MVDC is constantly reviewing and improving its services to residents and businesses can be found in the recently agreed and published Productivity Plan for 2024. The Plan describes the work that MVDC has done, and intends to do, to deliver the Council Strategy 2024-28. As one of the district councils receiving the least government funding in the country, we must innovate and deliver services cost-effectively while continuing to maintain a high level of service.