Message from MVDC
Do you want to remain on MVDC's mailing list for when a new plan or policy document is prepared ?
Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) is contacting residents who have previously responded to a consultation on the Mole Valley Local Plan and/or have asked to receive news about the plan. As part of its UK GDPR and Data Protection responsibilities MVDC is reviewing its Local Plan contact data and is asking people if they wish to remain on the planning policy mailing list for when a new plan or policy document is prepared, or if they wish to be removed from the mailing list. If you wish to remain on the mailing list you need to contact MVDC before 23:59 on Thursday, 19 December 2024. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, simply do nothing and MVDC will take your details off the list.
Please note that for the sake of cost and sustainability, future consultations will be online and the Council requests that you provide an email address. Please reply to: Your response must include the following details:
Your full name
Postcode; and
The capacity you are interested in planning policy choosing from the list below:
Private Individual
Community Groups/Organisation
Local Authority
Public Services
Utility/Infrastructure Provider
Statutory Consultee
Planning Agent/Consultant
Your details will then be held until a new Local Plan is adopted plus one year to allow for a further review of the mailing list. Further details on how the Council treat your data can be found in the Council’s Privacy Notice. Correspondence on future plans and policies will be via email or other electronic means.
For those who are unable to access the internet, or who choose not to communicate electronically; MVDC has confirmed that "alternative approaches for viewing information and making comments will be available". If you are, or know someone in that situation you can write to MVDC at: Planning Policy, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ before 23:59 on Thursday, 19 December 2024