
Pay your 2025 Subscription

You can join or renew your annual membership subscription by completing the payment form.

The BRA membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Our team of Road Stewards usually commence door to door collections in the spring, but you may pay your subscription on line at anytime.

Annual subscription is £5.00 per household.

If you would like make a donation to the BRA's operating costs in addition to your membership subscription it would be very much appreciated. 

The Bookhams Residents' Association partners with Stripe to provide secure payments processing. We do not retain any of your card details

Why do I need to pay an annual subscription to the BRA?

In 2017 Residents formally voted not to have a Parish Council for Bookham. Residents have been providing services for the village under the umbrella of the BRA on a voluntary basis. (The BRA does not have any paid employees) However, as always, there are costs involved. For example the BRA has costs in providing:

  • Operational costs including Public Liability insurance
  • The popular Christmas Lights in the High Street
  • Hanging baskets in the High Street and Church Road
  • Supporting the work of the voluntary Tree Wardens
  • Safety equipment and tools for the monthly litter pick
  • Hosting Public Meetings
  • Newsletter
  • Web site hosting costs

On a voluntary basis BRA experts provide their expertise on:

Planning: Preserving the character of the village and submitting letters of representation as appropriate.

Highways: Consulting with Surrey Highways and MVDC on all Bookham’s highway matters from parking to repairs and improvements.

Infrastructure: The BRA is very active in lobbying statutory infrastructure suppliers for improvements and resolving issues affecting Bookham. Initiatives such as the Bookham Flood Forum are now starting to resolve flooding problems that have been identified in the village.

Youth and Education: The BRA has close links with the youth facilities in the village and lobbies for education facilities to be to a high standard not only for the current generation of young people but future generations as well.

An awful lot for the price of a couple cups of coffee so we may all enjoy our village! 



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